He did not report the resulting punch in the face from Travis, however, and he did not correct comments made towards him out of ignorance rather than malice (such as when Miss Rosenberg misgenders him), suggesting that he didn't like confrontation. In "The Bologna Incident", his quick wit was demonstrated in response to bullying from Travis. Though he was a kind person, Sal was capable of snapping back at those who try to hurt him through the use of sarcasm. His compassion and willingness to help people regardless of their appearance or standoffish behavior was demonstrated time and again. Sal frequently offered a listening ear or kind word to others, even to those who have been unfriendly to him, as evidenced in "The Bologna Incident" when he comforted a crying Travis in the boy's bathroom. He came off as friendly and polite regardless of rude or frightened responses he may get from people who are reacting to his prosthetic and was openly affectionate of his friends. He seemed to be resourceful and had the ability to keep his cool during stressful situations, as seen through his interactions with ghosts. Following his arrest, he wears a tattered orange prison jumpsuit with the inmate number 081486. His prosthetic now has what are presumably pieces of adhesive tape holding the pieces together. His fringe has grown asymmetrically, with the right side covering his right eye.

In " The Wretched" he wore a black hoodie, a pair of blue fingerless gloves, and green earmuffs while out in the snow.Īs an adult, he wears an outfit identical to the one he wore as a teenager and his hair down. He is noticeably short, being the second shortest among his friend group.Īs a teenager, Sal wore a black sweater, ripped red jeans, and blue and white sneakers. He has shoulder length bright blue hair which he usually keeps tied up in pigtails and two piercings in each ear. From what has been seen of his face: he has a large scar that runs diagonally across the right side of his mouth, splitting his lips and exposing his teeth a scar on his left cheek, as well as several other smaller scars scattered across the rest of his face a dent on the right side of his lower jaw and the cartilage of his nose is completely missing. He has blue eyes, the right one being an ocular prosthesis.
Sal’s most prominent feature is his prosthetic face mask, which is primarily white with a light pink patch over the right eye.